Sunday, 25 December 2022

LIC Subject Assignment 1

 Good evening to all of you.

Hope all of you have started learning simulation tool. Now i am posting the assignment 1. The deadline to show the simulation is 27/01/2023 and to submit the report is on 04/02/2023 before 5PM.

1) Operational amplifier as voltage follower find Op-amp input resistance.

2) Design and simulate op-amp amplifiers with gain 12, -12.

3) Design and simulate op-amp amplifiers with gain of 1, - 1.

4) Design and simulate op-amp amplifiers with gain of -0.8, 0.8.

5) Design and simulate op-amp inverting and non-inverting amplifier with any gain.

6) Design Operational amplifier circuit for implementing given arithmetic expressions.

7) Design and simulate low-pass and high-pass first order Butter-worth filters. Simulate frequency response of it.

8) Design and simulate a Schmitt Trigger for a given UTP and LTP.

9) Design and simulate R-2R DAC using OP-Amp.

10) Design and simulate rectifiers using Op-amp (HWR and FWR).

11) Design and simulate Peaking amplifier.

12) Design and simulate Square and triangular wave generators

13) Design and simulate PLL applications.

14) Design and simulate IC-555 any one application in astable mode.

15) Design and simulate IC-555 any one application in mono-stable mode.

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