Sunday, 19 April 2020

Quiz 3 and Test Portion details

Good morning student friends.
Hope all of your safe and in home and following the Rules and regulations laid by the governments. If you need any discussion tell to your CR so that we can plan and schedule.

Coming Saturday 25/04/2020 at 3:00 PM Quiz is scheduled and also test will be conducted after the quiz. All of you should remember your IA 1, Quiz 1 , Quiz 2 marks and should enter in the Quiz 3. If you do not remember or submitted late and not considered as submission, enter the marks as Zero. All quiz and test marks will be considered.

The Portion is

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Quiz 2

GM inform all the students to go through recently uploaded videos for Quiz 2 

Few students have not yet added to class room and they cannot submit the assignments and may not get CTA marks. Those who have not submitted  assignment have been removed from the Google class room if they want to write LIC exam this sem they have to write a letter and take your parent sign scan it and submit it in the google class room else your CTA marks will be considered as zero.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Quiz 1 Marks and Quiz 2

Dear students friends be in home Take care
Those who have not submitted the assignment in google class room their quiz marks will be treated as zero even though they have attended the quiz. I am regularly posting the Video links to CR, all are here by informed to follow my blog, My You Tube channel and prepare for the second quiz, Which will be announced soon.