Saturday, 1 June 2013

I wish you Best of Luck for your End semester exams. For any discussion you are most welcome. Now give highest priority to your studies. Try to prepare for the gate exam during your vacation. The third and fourth semester subjects are base for most of the higher semester subjects try to do the revision in the vacation. Try to study C++ also.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The common mistakes done by students in CAT 3:

Signal generator is used in square wave generation circuit 
Signal generator is used in RC phase shift oscillator
Clippers are explained without op-amp (But oscillator circuit written using op-amp).

Take care of such things in the main Exam. Wish you best of luck for u r main exam.

Final Internal Marks

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

I wish you Best of Luck for your CAT 3 as well as for main exams. For any discussion you are most welcome. Now give highest priority to your studies. 

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Quiz will be conducted in the next week (Between 29 April to 3 May) 
                  [Complete syllabus and basics]

Saturday, 13 April 2013

All the students are here by informed to submit the soft copy of the report to the student representatives. Student representatives are supposed to submit to me when i come to the class on Monday 15/03/2013 without fail.
To know more Vachanaglu go to main blog 

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Lab Experiments: 
For most of the experiment circuit diagram, theory, procedure, nature of input, nature of output, Tabular column, lot many such information is given. Students can try their own circuit/ Design...for the following experiment. 

1.      Schmitt Trigger Experiment
a.      There is a need of circuit which detects whenever input signal exceeds some positive and negative voltages (both are same voltages). Conduct an experiment for the same. Derive the necessary equation.
b.      There is a need of circuit which detects whenever input signal exceeds some positive and negative voltages (both are not same voltages). Conduct an experiment for the same. Derive the necessary equation.

2.      DAC Experiment: Design a Digital to analog converter (DAC) the input is four bits (0000 through 1111 any combination) the output of the circuit should be analog voltage. Derive the necessary equation. ( use R-2R ladder network)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Many students have participated in Insignia’13. You all can take rest on Sunday. The LIC assignment deadline is extended up to 26/03/2013.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

The LIC assignment deadline is extended as many students are participating in Insignia’13. All the students are here by informed to submit the one page (color print) report and show the working circuit on or before 25/03/2013 before 4:30PM. To get the format of the report click

Thursday, 14 March 2013

All the students shown the progress of the assignment. Now all the students can test the working of the circuit once the soldering of all the components is over. Try to test the circuit within two to three days and show its working. 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Most of the students have done good in the LIC CAT 1. All are informed to show the PCB ( After keeping it in ferric chloride, and drilled) before14/03/2013 -10:30AM.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Most of the students have shown the PCB. only two batches could not complete within deadline. They  can come to the staff room. I wish all of you best of luck for your CAT 1 Exams.  We discuss the deadline of the assignment 1 after CAT 1 exams. Best of luck.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

The last date to show the print on the copper plate (Before you keep it in ferric chloride) is 04/03/2013 before 5PM.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Students who are interested to change their circuit name can come to the staff room on 26/02/13 between 10:00 to 10:30AM. All the student can test their circuits within a day or two and starts preparing the PCB. Before you keep copper board in FERIC CLORIDE acid. 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Most of the students have uploaded the circuit titles. I will be with you, if you need help your seniors are also ready to help you. Students can collect 6 pages of xerox related to 555 timer experiments can collect/copy from the lab so that you can understand 555 timer working better.  To know the titles of the circuits click

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The students those are under my mentor-ship are here by informed to fill the form on or before 23/02/2013-- clik

All the IV sem B division students are here informed to fill the information about the USN no of your teammate and name of the circuit (Any one student of the team). The last date is 23/02/2013 before 5PM. The list of the teams and their title of the circuit will be uploaded on blog on 24/02/2013. If the name of the circuits is same but circuits are different then students can continue. Else a batch uploaded late should change their title in the next day.

The students should check/test the circuit by building it on spring or breadboard first then they have to go for next steps. Before they go for next step they should show it to me. Last they have to prepare the report and submit it to me. To know how the last year students did this assignment / Report you can use the first link of  collections for you.

Friday, 1 February 2013

All the students are here by informed to make a group of two students to do the LIC assignment- 1. 
They can design/ search circuit using Opamp/ 555 timer for any application.
All the students should practice the simulation of all the experiments they have done in third sem and experiments going to do in fourth sem using micro cap. Within short time you are supposed to submit the report, date will be announced later.

 LIC extra class on 09/02/2013 at 10:30AM in room No 27.

All the IV sem B division students are here by informed to download the  Micro Cap simulator and install in their PC/ Laptops. To get the help file they can click

Tuesday, 29 January 2013